Live without pain! Lyapko application devices instruction (English)

The article is also available in Russian, Ukrainian

Lyapko application devices are used for healthcare and preventive effects on any area of a body (back, stomach, extremities, thorax area, etc.).

Use of flat application devices is the most optimum way which does not demand patientґs additional efforts and others help. They help to eliminate effectively pain, mitigate fatigue and get vital power for the whole day in the morning.

Rollers are recommended to apply to effect on any body surfaces which are difficult to effect with a flat application device (areas of joints, neck, face, etc.). Exposure time: 5-15 min. before emergence of a resistant skin hyperemia (reddening). Use of the facial roller is effective for exact reflexological diagnostic procedures - search of the most sensitive integument areas.

ATTENTION! Donґt effect with application device on open eyes area.

Small Lyapko application devices can be applied on areas of the greatest pain, trigger zones, zones with maximum number of acupuncture points, and other zones found by means of the roller at diagnostics. Durable effect with Lyapko application devices is recommended to get pronounced health improving result. They can be fixed with belts, elastic bandages or retentive bandages. Exposure time: from 30 minutes to 2 - 3 hours.

Step (space between needles) of application device is selected depending on individual skin sensitivity and necessary degree of effect. Sensations at applications must be only pleasurable.


  • Children, patients with hypersensitivity or a thin layer of subcutaneous fat should use application devices with a denser space between needles - 3,0-4,9 mm.
  • Patients with normal physique - 5,0-6,1 mm.
  • Patients with a thick layer or subcutaneous fat - 6,2-10,0 mm.

Using any Lyapko application device it is possible to get intensive or delicate effect by individual regulation of pressing force.

ATTENTION! To degrade pressing force effect with application device through the thin layer of gauze or other fine fabric.

ATTENTION! Exposure time depends on symptoms available in a concrete case. It is recommended to use application devices after noon or before going to bed at a «redundancy» syndrome (terebration, high blood pressure, irritability, excitement, sleeplessness). Roller should be used during 10-15 min, flat application device - 20-30 minutes and more.

It is recommended to effect before noon at an «insufficiency» syndrome (chronic pains most often arising at night, drowsiness, weakness, decrease in sensitivity). Roller should be used during 3-7 min, flat application device -10-15 minutes.

The main condition of the correct positioning is balancing of body weight on all surface of the application device.

ATTENTION! Donґt place the application device on absolutely smooth surface.

To position application devises correctly it is necessary to model carefully all the flexures of verbal column in cervical and lumbar parts with the help of cushions and rollers.

During the first five minutes of application device appliance pecking feeling changes into the comfort of feeling warmth, pleasurable ґvibration , slight prickling. Later the feeling of drowsiness, general relaxation changes into healthy sleep.


Fig. 3 Zones for diagnostic and treatment

If there is discomfort feeling during 10-15 minutes, remove an application device and use it only 5-10 hours or next day and effect smaller area. Causes of discomfort feelings are incorrect position of application device, slide from it down and skin scarring. To eliminate these phenomena rise your body above an application device and dip it again by placing a soft knee roller under knee joints.

The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. It can be recurred in 2-4 weeks. There is a practical experience of regular daily usage of Lyapko application devices during several months. Steady health improvement, chronic pain removal and increase of working capacity are observed.

Lyapko application devices contact with skin but they donґt damage it, so application devices donґt contact with blood. In medical institutions after each application session they must be disinfected according to the Standards of medical products disinfection. Application devices must be put in bleach solution, after that should be rinsed under running water and dry by hot air (using a hair dryer) as close to the needles as possible.

Chlorine free bleach solutions are used for disinfection of products made of medical rubber and corrosion unresistant metals. For example: «Korzoleks bazik», «Korzoleks extra» etc.

Needles of applicators are made of corrosive metals, so they can oxidize.

ATTENTION! m case of personal use the application device does not need any disinfection. Hygienic handling includes: periodic treatment with a brush and detergent solutions (shampoo, liquid soap), rinsing under running water and drying in a stream of hot air (with a hair dryer).

ATTENTION! Remember! Hair dryer is a source of electric shock. It mustn’t be touched with wet hands, it must be always dry.


There are following contraindications to use of Lyapko application devices:

  • Acute infectious disease;
  • Exacerbation of chronic illness with fever heat;
  • States of decompensation at diseases of cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs in the state of decompensation;
  • Acute surgical condition;
  • Drastic depletion;
  • Solution of continuity: wounds, bums, frostbites and other.

CE marking. Lyapko application device conforms to requirements of EU directive No. 93/42/EEC. As for safety it is a non invasive devise of Class 1.


Donґt throw out failed Lyapko application devices together with household waste. The symbol of a crossed-out garbage tank means that the product is forbidden to be thrown out together with household waste. Failed Lyapko application devices can be delivered to utilization places which are defined by local government.

Manufactureґs address: Lyapko Ltd. m-n Solnechniy, app. 8/21, Krasnoeorovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 85630








Headache, trifacial neuralgia, Bell´s palsy, hearing disorder, vision disorder, toothache, cold

0, 1

2, 10, 11

22, 24, 25, 31

Diseases of bronchi and lungs, cold, neurologic syndromes of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, neurosis, arthritis, neuritis.

2, 3, 4

1, 12, 13

20, 22, 28, 31

Stenocardia, cardiodynia, bronchitis, mastitis, lactation improvement, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine


3, 5, 13, 14

21, 23 ,25, 29, 31

Hypertension (25-30 min), hypotonia (8-10 min).

1, 2, 3

0, 4, (14)

7, 8, 25, 28, 29, 31

Diseases of gullet, stomach, liver, gall bladder, neurologic syndromes of osteochondrosis of lower thoracic spine, myitis, obesity


6, 15, 16, 17

21, 23, (25), (28), 29, 30, 31

Ulcer of a stomach and duodenal gut, disease of small intestines and kidneys, renal colic, obesity

6, 7

5, 8, 17, 18

23, 27, 28, 29, 31

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, myitis, obesity.

6, 7

8, 17, 10

26, 28, 30, 31

Neurologic syndromes of osteochondrosis of lumbosacral spine (radiculitis, neuritis, lumbago)

7, 8

9, 18

22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31

Urolithic illness, renal colic, pregnancy preservation, colitis

7, 8

9, 18

23, 27, 29, 31

Disease of pelvic organs, hysteritis, adnexitis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, sigmoiditis, hemorrhoid, invirility, anaphrodisia

8, 9

7, 18, 19

27, 29, 30, 31, (23, 25)

Allergy, neurodermatitis, skin itch

3, 5

3, 12, 15

22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31

Fractures and injures of upper extremities

2, 3

4, 13

20, 21, 22 ,24, (28, 30)

Injures of lower extremities

7, 8


26, 28, 30, (22, 27, 29)

Diabetes mellitus

5, 6

16, 17

1, 2, 23, 29, 31

We also recommend to effect on points and zones of maximum pain and sensitive zones which were found during diagnostic with the help of roller.

Fig. 1 Application zones on person´s body
Fig. 2 Examples of application devices position (other variants are possible)

ROLLER APPLICATION METHODOLOGY AT PAIN SYNDROME 1. Roll pain containment zone in any direction.

2. Roll the area which is upper or lower than containment zone, roll in any direction.

3. Roll pain containment zone in direction of energy channels which are indicated with arrows (Fig. 4).

4. Roll the area which is upper or lower than containment zone, roll in arrow direction.

5. Roll against arrow direction the opposite side which is symmetrical to pain (according to reflexotherapy rules).

For example,

• if pain is in the right hand, roll left hand;

• if pain is in the right leg, roll left leg;

• if pain is in breast, roll correspondent zone on back;

• if pain is in back, roll correspondent zone on breast;

• if pain is in lumbus, roll correspondent zone on abdomen;

• if pain is in abdomen, roll correspondent zone on lumbus.

Roll until resistant dermahemia (reddening) occurs (about 10-15 minutes).

Fig. 4 The scheme of direction of energy channels for influence with Lyapko roller on them


The manufacturer warrants the conformity of Lyapko applicators (hereinafter - LA) to requirements of technical specifications TU U 33.1-60511923.001-99 providing that they are used, transported and stored by consumer in a proper way.

Conditions for storage. Store at temperature, which is not below +10°C and not above +40°C at relative humidity that does not exceed 80%. Do not keep under direct sunlight (it is recommended to store in dark place).

After application it is recommended to disinfect the product by the method, mentioned in operating instruction (insert). After that, wash in stream water and dry using fan. LAґs needles are made of non-corrosion proof metals that allow the possibility for their oxidation.

Guaranteed service life - 12 (twelve) months since the sale to end user but not more than 2 (two) years since production. The date of production is mentioned on bar code and/or packing.

The claims for quality of LA are accepted during warranty period providing that there is:

  • Lyapko applicator with bar code *;
  • cheque (invoice), properly executed;
  • packing of Lyapko applicator with bar code.

* Lyapko applicators without bar code on the product and/or packing are not accepted for warranty due to impossibility for their identification (date of production, sale).

Купить (заказать) металлоигольчатые Аппликаторы Ляпко в ассортименте:

Аппликатор «Малыш» (шаг иглы 3,5, размер 3,5 см х 8,0 см)
Аппликатор «Краплинка (Капелька)», пара (шаг - 3,5 мм, размер 33х33 мм)
Аппликатор «Ромашка» (шаг иглы 5,0, диаметр = 30 см)
Аппликаторы-стельки: размер
37-40 или 40-42 или 43-46
Аппликатор Мячик игольчатый (шар диаметром ≈ 55 мм, шаг игл - 4 мм)

Аппликаторы «Коврики»
малый: шаг 6,0, размер 23,7 см х 13,7 см
стандарт: шаг 6,8, размер 24,0 см х 46,5 см
большой: шаг 7,0, размер 27,5 см х 48,0 см

лицевой: шаг 3,5, размер 3,6 см х 4,2 см
универсальный: иглы 3,5, размер 7,0 см х 4,5 см
большой: шаг 5,0, размер 10,5 см х 6,3 см

Аппликатор «Двойной»:
шаг иглы 5,8, размер 10,5 см х 46,0 см
шаг иглы 6,2, размер 10,5 см х 46,0 см

Аппликатор «Квадро»:
шаг иглы 5,8, размер 11,7 см х 46,6 см
шаг иглы 6,2, размер 11,7 см х 46,6 см
шаг иглы 4,9, размер 10,6 см х 46,0 см

Аппликатор «Одинарный»:
шаг иглы 5,8, размер 10,5 см х 23,0 см
шаг иглы 6,2, размер 10,5 см х 23,0 см
шаг иглы 4,9, размер 10,5 см х 23,5 см (шанс)

Аппликатор «Дуэт»:
шаг иглы 5,8, размер 5,9 см х 47,0 см
шаг иглы 6,2, размер 5,9 см х 47,0 см
шаг иглы 4,9, размер 5,3 см х 46,0 см

Аппликатор «Спутник»:
шаг иглы 5,8, размер 6,0 см х 18,0 см
шаг иглы 6,2, размер 6,0 см х 18,0 см
шаг иглы 4,9, размер 6,0 см х 18,0 см

Многосегментные аппликаторы-пояса:
«Волшебная лента «Здоровье», «Малыш» , «Спутник», «Универсальный» (аппликационные очки)

* Общее правило: шаг игл влияет на ощущения при воздействии. Чем больше шаг - тем больше колет. Шаг 4,9 -подходит больше детям, шаг 6,2 и выше - для людей с избыточной массой. Если Вам трудно выбрать - остановитесь на среднем варианте (5,8) как на наиболее оптимальном и популярном.

Методические рекомендации по аппликаторам Ляпко (брошюра)
О компании МПК Ляпко
Фото-галереи аппликаторов Ляпко
Видео о применении аппликаторов

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